Faculty Qualification Review

  1. Qualification reviews shall be conducted for the appointment and promotion of NTU faculty members.
    (The regulations herein do not apply to applicants who have applied for and received a Teacher’s Certificate from the Ministry of Education and who have already passed the qualification review for their rank.)
  1. Submit the following documents with the qualification review application:
    (1) The faculty member’s qualification review curriculum vitae in triplicate (original copy with photo, signature, and seal of the applicant). Download the CV template from the Teaching Qualification Review Submission Notification System of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education: https://www.schprs.edu.tw/(Use Internet Explorer for the above. Apply for an account login ID and notify the contact person at the Personnel Department processing cases from your college. Fill out the required information upon approval. Consult the online User Instructions prior to using the system.)(2) One copy of the diploma of the highest degree (if available, the original transcript for all the courses attended should be provided) and one copy of the current Letter of Appointment. Documentation of full-time position must be submitted for part-time faculty members holding such positions.

    (3) One set of representative works published within the past five years and reference works published within the past seven years (can be overridden by the regulations of the college, department (division) should they request shorter terms). Representative works must be published and circulated, published or accepted for publication by a well-known domestic or overseas academic or professional journal; for works accepted by journals, proof of planned publication must be provided.

    (4) Reviews and external reviews for faculty member promotions are limited to once (each college (center) may determine whether documents for review are submitted by the college or department), and at least 5 review opinion forms are required. The result is “Pass” if 2/3 or more of external review opinions deem the faculty member to be qualified. (For example: If there are 5 review opinions, 2/3 or more deem the faculty member to be qualified [5*2/3=3.33], i.e., the result is “Pass” if 4 or more deem the faculty member to be qualified; if there are 6 review opinions, 2/3 or more deem the faculty member to be qualified [6*2/3=4], i.e., the result is “Pass” if 4 or more deem the faculty member to be qualified). If the college (center) or department (department/graduate institute/degree program/office/center) has stricter regulations, those regulations shall prevail.

    (5) One original copy of Certificate of Co-Authorship (exempted if the work is not by multiple authors, or if the applicant is an Academician of Academia Sinica, or if the applicant is the first author or corresponding author; overseas co-authors, if any, are exempted).

    (6) A faculty member with an overseas degree shall submit two verification letters from the University attended (one photocopy of the initial letter of degree verification request sent to the overseas institution and one original copy of the response letter sent by the overseas institution), or a degree verification issued by a Taiwan overseas representative office. In addition, the faculty member should also submit a document outlining the progress in pursuing the overseas degree (exempted if the applicant is applying with a domestic degree).

    (7) One photocopy on both sides of the applicant’s national ID card (a foreigner must submit a photocopy of passport information page, including date of birth) and a 2-inch photo of the applicant (write name, department/institute, date of birth, and citizen ID card number on the back).

    (8) If the applicant’s highest degree is obtained from an overseas institution, records of traveling to and from the country during period of overseas study must be attached (apply for such records at the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior for application; Address: 15 Guangzhou St., Taipei City; Telephone: (+886) 2-2388-9393).

    (9) Faculty Qualification Review Check List for College and Above.

  1. A faculty member who holds a Teacher’s Certificate of a particular rank may not apply for qualification review leading to the same rank.
  2. A faculty member applying for qualification review during a semester must also be actually teaching a course at NTU during that semester. If a faculty member teaches an internship- or experiment-based course, one hour will be calculated for every two hours of teaching. Clinical practice hours at the School of Medicine will be calculated for review based on the “Clinical Practice Teaching Activity Conversion Rate” and the hours will be verified by the supervisor of each department, division or graduate institute.
  3. If the representative work is written by multiple authors, it can only be submitted by one of the authors as representative work for faculty qualification review. “Certificate of Co-Authorship” must be provided to indicate the applicant’s and the co-author’s respective contribution to the work. Other co-authors shall sign the document to relinquish their rights to submit the work for faculty qualification review (they can still list it as a reference work). Nevertheless, proof of signature and seal of a co-author may be waived under the following circumstances:
    (1) The applicant is an Academician of Academia Sinica.
    (2) If the applicant is the first author or corresponding (telecommunicating) author, the proof of signature and seal of the overseas co-author can be waived.
  4. A faculty member providing an overseas diploma for the review should send a formal letter of inquiry to the overseas institution three months prior to the application (or no later than the date scheduled for the department’s Teacher Evaluation Committee meeting) for verification that the faculty member has indeed fulfilled all graduation requirements. In addition to listing the result on the Opinion column in the department or graduate institute, the verification information must be submitted to the University along with the application. The process of degree verification might impact the calculation of the faculty member’s years or service and thus must be carefully processed to safeguard the applicant’s rights and interests.
  5. The degree verification procedure may be waived for the applicant if the degree has been validated by a Taiwan overseas representative office in accordance with its document validation procedure and confirmed by the University as to its validity, .
  6. Regarding representative works published within the past five years or reference works published within the past seven years (calculated based on the effective date of Teacher’s Certificate), the college (center) or department (division, institute, degree program, office, center) may specify its own requirements, which shall take precedence. If the submitted representative work does not indicate the date of publication and it is impossible to tell if the work was published in the past five years, the cover of the journal and the table of contents shall be provided for qualification review.
  7. Link for faculty qualification review:
    Personnel Department Homepage → common form → Employment Division →teacher’s qualifications review

Department / Personnel Department, Employment Division
Contact / (+886) 2-3366-5932
Website / http://www.personnel.ntu.edu.tw/