International Talent Development

NTU International Mentorship Program

In 2022, the NTU Office of International Affairs is hosting the NTU International Mentorship Program, the first 3 to 4-month mentorship-based summer internship program for foreign students. The program aims to relieve foreign students’ current difficulties with language, culture, and social networks in the employment market of Taiwan. The program works with government agencies, foreign institutions stationed in Taiwan, enterprises, emerging companies, chambers of commerce, research institutes, and non-profit organizations and appoints the representatives of the institutions/agencies as mentors of foreign students. In addition to combining practice and theory and learning by working, foreign students also have the guidance of mentors to explore their future career development during the internship.

The program has recruited 70 institutions and over 100 mentors in the first year (2022) and has released nearly 170 internship positions. Among all mentors in the program, 60 are even the CXOs of their respective institutions. According to statistics, the program had 120 students apply and has successfully matched 60 students from 22 countries to work as interns in 40 institutions.

To hone the required soft skills of foreign students prior to entering enterprises and institutions, the Office of International Affairs also hosted multiple career training workshops and invited the upper-level managers or representatives of the internship institutions to share their stories when they were students and their career insights. The Office has also arranged several enterprise visits, and had the implementation team members help students compose their application materials and analyze the contents of internships at each institution and the directions of their career development.

The Office will increase the number of workshops, enterprise visits, and cultural experiences in the future, so that foreign students can better understand the Taiwanese working environment. The Office will also invite industry experts to NTU, in order to offer career consulting services to the foreign students who apply to the program.

Website / https://oiainternship.ntu.edu.tw/

International Talent Development Events

Events of the International Talent Development Program include the expanded “International Talent Development and Sustainability Zone” set in Vision 2023. International talent-friendly enterprises that have taken action for sustainability were invited to the Zone to set up booths, introduce their enterprises in English, and recruit international talents. The event attracted over a thousand students who participated in on-site consultations. Some students even submitted their resumes. The Office also collaborated with the Taipei Computer Association and hosted the International Career Fair. The Taipei Computer Association recruited 7 domestic and foreign enterprises to participate in the event to share foreigners’ work experiences in Taiwan, recruit new talents, and work with the domestic emerging company, KKday, to host the Japanese and Korean talent recruitment orientation.

The program will continue to work with different industrial institutions and associations to host recruitment orientations, workshops, and international talent training camps, hoping to meet students’ career needs through a wide variety of participating enterprises.

Event information will be posted on the NTU event bulletin board and the Facebook page of the Office of International Affairs. Follow us for more related information.

Video on the 2023 National Taiwan University Job Fair—International Talent + & Impact Zone: https://youtu.be/qcg6XQBIK4Y

Department / Office of International Affairs (OIA)
Contact / +886-2-3366-2007 Ext. no. 203, 217, 224.
E-mail / ntuoiaintern@ntu.edu.tw
Website / International Mentorship Program Official Website: https://oiainternship.ntu.edu.tw
Official Facebook Page of the Office of International Affairs: https://www.facebook.com/NTUOIA

NTU iNGO Academy

To cultivate talent for international non-government organizations (NGO), NTU Office of International Affairs and Impact Hub Taipei jointly launched the “NTU iNGO Academy” for students to become interns in NGOs that are concerned about international issues or international NGOs (iNGO) in Taiwan. It achieves SDGs through project-based learning, and allows NTU students to enter NGOs in the future, building a bridge between Taiwan and international society.

NTU iNGO Academy is a pre-incubation project based on the UN SDGs, and collaborates with Taiwanese NGOs that are concerned about international issues and iNGOs in Taiwan, providing NTU students with a field for practice and learning, understanding how NGOs participate in or resolve social issues and facilitate the achievement of SDGs.

From another perspective, by combining the development of basic problem-solving and practical abilities with internship programs, the course develops the basic understanding and skills needed by students for social innovation, and fosters the entrepreneurial spirit of “getting your hands dirty.”

The practitioners or founders of NGOs are invited to share their experience and professional knowledge, as well as how to achieve the SDGs in society, through discussions and workshops during the semester.

Official website of the project: https://www.ingoacademy.ntu.edu.tw/

NTU Overseas Internship Program

The NTU Overseas Internship Program is the first university-level overseas internship program in Taiwan, and selects NTU students to become interns at overseas enterprises, NGOs, and research institutions during summer vacation. The NTU Overseas Internship Program emphasizes the mentorship system, in which overseas institutions appoint mentors for NTU students that traveled across the ocean to experience the workplace culture overseas or engage in international services, and develop their individual careers.

Institutions that provided internships in the first year (2023) include the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, IBM Research, and Step30 international ministries. The Jewish Taiwan Cultural Association funds 30 Taiwanese students to become interns in Israel, visit startups and NGOs, and engage in exchanges with students in sister universities.

Official website of the project: https://internshipabroad.ntu.edu.tw/